Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Boston Terrier has broken off her entire toenail. She doesn't appear to be in pain, should a vet look?

Yes, have it looked at by her vet. It can become infected and even require amputation. A vet tech friend's dog did the same thing a couple months back...also a Boston Terrier!

Edit: I could possibly give you her email, if you want her opinion? Although, I'm sure she would say the same thing I said. If I remember correctly, her dog was started on antibiotics and pain medication the same day. More added: Yes, she was...because a nail bed infection can move into the bone.My Boston Terrier has broken off her entire toenail. She doesn't appear to be in pain, should a vet look?
Hell Yeah...My Boston Terrier has broken off her entire toenail. She doesn't appear to be in pain, should a vet look?
Yes because it could still get infected and then you will have a bigger problem than just a torn off toenail. Get it checked out to be on the safe side.
you might want to, just so that it doesnt get infected
If it isn't hot and red, I would just put some Neosporin on it and watch it. It never hurts to go to the vet, but I wouldn't spend money unless I thought there were an infection.
no it happens to animals its gonna grow back
sometimes that happens, especially if the nail has gotten a little too long. As long as it is not bleeding and she is not in pain then I think she will be fine without a vet looking at it. Check on it everyday for a week or so just to make sure.
It is always best but not necessary! clean it off and if it is still bleeding, put some corn meal on it, this will stop the bleeding. This is NOT major but if sign or infection, take her to the vet. Be sure to KEEP IT CLEAN!!
At least put neosporin on it and wrap it up with vet gauze. They sell it at pet smart. Perhaps give it a day or two to see how it is healing. IF it shows any signs at all of infection ie: severe redness, additional swelling or smell take her in to the vet ASAP.
Don't worry about it unless it gets infected. I am sure it bothers you more than it does her. If you want to you could put an antibiotic ointment on it, just to prevent infection.
Yes. If something like that happens it is very important to go to a vet. I am a vet myself and i would like to look at it. I could become infected or worse. Seek help with your pet as soon as possible.

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