Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Home remedies 4 ingrown toenail?

I don't get those anymore, but when I did, I would carefully clip out the part of the nail trying to grow into the skin, and then lift the nail and work a little piece of twisted cotton underneath, with the intent of lifting it off of the tender part. You can splash a little Hydrogen Peroxide or some other mild disinfectant on it if you wish, but I found it usually wasn't necessary.

Several days later, you can pull the cotton out.

It hurts a little, but that's why you should do it and not let someone else do it.Home remedies 4 ingrown toenail?
Home Remedies for Ingrown Nail with Epsom salts:

If you have ingrown nail, your feet do need some relaxing. Soften the toenails by soaking your feet into a basin of lukewarm water that is mixed with two tablespoons of Epsom salts.

Leave it there for ten minutes. Do this in the morning and at night everyday for best results.

Treat Ingrown Nail with Astringent:

Don't think for a second that astringent goes for your face alone. You can use it to help ease an ingrown nail as well.

Astringents contain mild antiseptics with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Add a good quantity of astringent to warm water. Soak your feet in it for 30 minutes. That should bring down the swelling of your toe.

Natural Treatments for Ingrown Nail with Onion:

Onion contains nutrients and enzymes that could help alleviate the pain in the toes and possible inflammation.

To use it, cut a piece of onion and place it over the ingrown nail. Tie it in place with a bandage. Leave it over night. Your foot should feel better in the morning.

Natural Remedies for Ingrown Nail with Lemon:

Lemon also contains natural juices that could help soothe a painful ingrown nail. Cut a piece of lemon into halves. Put one half over the affected toenail. You can tie it with a bandage to keep it in place. Or you can just put a pair of clean socks on. Leave it overnight for best results.Home remedies 4 ingrown toenail?
well depends on how bad it is. My toe doctor lol told me to put cotton underneath the nail to raise it up so when it would grow out it wouldnt be down into the skin. If you get them all the time and if possible go in and have the roots permanently killed on each side of the nail. I had this procedure done 7 years ago on one of mine and OMG I no longer have to scream when I would bump my toe into anything and my nail looks perfect. GOOD LUCK

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