Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bruised toenail fallen off?

I bruised my middle toenail on my left foot by wearing shoes that were too tight. The top half of it ripped off and the bottom half that is still on is still discoloured. When will the bottom half fall off?! Should i wrap it up? I am a teenage girl so this is really embarassing and i am going on holiday in a month :( Please some advice on it??Bruised toenail fallen off?
wrap it up. whatever you do, don't try to pull it off. and this shouldn't be embarrassing. you stubbed your toe, big deal. it'll heal soon enough, try soaking it in salt water once or twice a day, that will help as well.Bruised toenail fallen off?
I've had something kinda similar happen when I was younger. I say just wrap it up and wait for it to fall off. It should fall off before you go on vacation. Best of luck.

Help me out?;鈥?/a>
Can't see where a bruise would make your toenail come off.You can paint your toenails and no one will know or wear socks.Hope this helps.
dont wear shoes if they are tight were sandals and put a bandage on it if embarresed

paint it

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