Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My big toenail fell off?

Will it grow back? I bumped it pretty hard about a week ago and it went black, Now it has completely fallen off.

There is no pain. I am doomed to a toenail-less life?My big toenail fell off?
No. The Toe-Nail fell off because of the trauma and pressure.The blood under the nail (Subungual Hematoma) caused pressure between the nail and nail bed witch eventually caused it to fall off. The toenail will grow back in a few months, but toe nails take the longest to grow.My big toenail fell off?
Hurts, don't it. Broke my toe once and the nail fell off as well. It will grow back but you nail will never look the same. Sorry.
It will grow back, it will just take time
You wil be fine

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