Friday, May 14, 2010

Ingrown Toenail? Please Help, PIC INCLUDED?

Do i have an ingrown toenail?;s=4

Pic Included

Please HelpIngrown Toenail? Please Help, PIC INCLUDED?
The photo is very fuzzy, but it does seem to be an ingrown toenail. I can tell from the photo that you keep your nails too short, this is a common cause of ingrown toenails. The problem may take care of itself as your toenail grows out, but if not you may need to go to the doctor. After the toenail is back to normal, keep your nails at a longer length.Ingrown Toenail? Please Help, PIC INCLUDED?
Symptoms of an ingrown nail include pain along the margins of the nail (caused by hypergranulation that occurs around the aforementioned region), worsening of pain when wearing shoes or other tight articles, and sensitivity to pressure of any kind, even the weight of bed sheets or a duvet. Bumping of an affected toe with objects can produce sharp, even excruciating, pain as the tissue is punctured further by the ingrown nail. By the very nature of the condition, ingrown nails become easily infected unless special care is taken to treat the condition early on and keep the area as clean as possible. Signs of infection include redness and swelling of the area around the nail, drainage of pus and watery discharge tinged with blood. The main symptom is swelling at the base of the nail on whichever side (if not both sides) the ingrowing nail is forming.
Homeopathic remedy - Mag Pol Aust
It looks like it

You need to get it treated as soon as possible
Looks like it. See your gp - you've probably got an infection there too.
Yeowch! i would say yes, you have an ingrown toenail.
ouch by the looks of it you do get it seen to immediately or your toe nail will have to removed!

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