Friday, May 14, 2010

Ingrown toenail, hurts bad?

I think I have an ingrown toenail (left foot, big toe). My mom looked at it, and she believe's so too. It's red, and hurts VERY bad- hurts when things touch it or when I walk.

Today's the first day that I've felt it. I took a nail-file type thing (the one on the clippers) and tried going under the nail bed, but I doubt I got it, and I have to take a break it hurts so bad.

Any advice?!? I'm in a lot of pain!Ingrown toenail, hurts bad?
When you cut your toenails you need to cut them straight across with no rounded edges. If you have rounded edges then the nail grows into the skin causing an ingrown nail. Theres not much you can do and it should go away on its own. Try soaking it in warm water then using sterilized tweezers gently try picking the nail from under the skin. I know it hurts :(Ingrown toenail, hurts bad?
i had my ingrown toenail removed.

soak it in salted water twice day for about 15-20 minutes. i did this to my other ingrown toenail, and it went away.

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