I Really need help!!! -thank you
Also, if I were to go to a foot doctor, how would they treat it, and about how much would it cost?Toenail Fungus- Would Remedies Work?
i have had this problem for years and recently had to see a podiatrist (foot person) who told me to put Tea Tree Oil on it. i purchased a bottle of it and use a cotton bud dipped in and run it over the nail every day if possible. i often forget for days at time but surprise, surprise, it really works and mine has nearly disappeared. very cheap good remedy. the oil can be obtained from a supermarket (probably the cheapest) and chemist/pharmacist and probably a health food type place.
thanks for the reminder. Toenail Fungus- Would Remedies Work?
Home remedies do no not work... You need to go to a podiatrist. The first thing they will do is take clippings of your toe nail they will send this to the lab to make sure what you have is indeed a nail fungus. The next thing they will do is place your foot under a light to get a closer look at it. If the lab results find fungus and you are other wise healthy, like a person with no diabetes or thyroid condition they will prescribe lamisil and you have to take it 3 times a day for 3 months. every month you have to go back to the podiatrist to have blood test taken to make sure the medication has no bad side effects on you. After the 3rd month you don't have to take it anymore because now it is in your system between 6months to 1 year depending on how bad your fungus is will be how long it takes to clear it up. Trust me its worth it going to a foot doctor.
I had the same issue a few years ago. I went to a podiatrist and he told me a few things about it.
The medication is expensive (thankfully mine was covered by insurance).
It will treat the infection, however, if your house is full of fungal spores from walking around in bare feet a lot, the infection might just come right back. This is why it doesn't work for some people.
The pills worked for me and the infection never came back.
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ReplyDeleteNot all remedies would work. I used Zetaclear and it really works. Check this out:How do you get rid of yellow nails