Friday, May 14, 2010

Ingrown toenail removed now painfully?

my hubby just got his really really bad ingrown toenail cut out by the doctor but now it hurts more what can we do to make it better..they also gave him vicodin and an anit boantics to make sure it doesnt get does anyone know what we can do to make it feel better..he took the meds and tried to soak it in water but that made it worst. so we were thinking neosprin but not sure

thanksIngrown toenail removed now painfully?
I had one so bad the Doc removed my entire toenail! It hurt very little to have it removed and the relief was wonderfull its healling very nucely now toenail removed now painfully?
Try some Motrin/Advil. You may also want to call the MD who did the procedure and ask his advice. They may be able to give additional advice as I'm sure you're not the only one he's had this happen too. Generally with an ingrown toenail, there may be an area that has a wound to it where the nail was digging into the skin. It takes time for it to heal. Just watch that area is not infected with pus, increased redness or red streaks from the area. If that's the case, call your MD immediately. You may need a different antibiotic.

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