i have had an ingrown toenail for about a year now, and sometimes it will hurt, but other times it feels fine. i have heard of a treatment where you soak your foot in hot water for a few days, and then put a piece of cotton under the nail, but i am wondering if i can use a piece of a napkin instead, because i am afraid the cotton will fall apart like it usually does. would this work too?Treating an ingrown toenail?
I get these all of the time, actually I have one right now. The best thing you can do (as told by my doctor) is try to clip the edges so they aren't sharp and to soak your foot in a bucket of hot hot water with about a cup and a half of salt or baking soda.
Then, put some Neosporin or something like it on your toe (make sure you put a lot) and wrap it losely in a bandaid or two. :]
Hope it helps! :)Treating an ingrown toenail?
The only home remedy I know that works is consistently cutting the toenail straight across, not rounding the edges off.
It takes a while (few months) but will usually fix things up.
If it is really bad the best thing is to go to the doctor and let them treat it. I had a really bad in-grown toenail for a long time. I was too scared, or too lazy to go to the doctor and I let it get really worse. It got so bad that my toe was swollen and it was infected and it was filled with a lot of dead blood. My dad tried he's best to help me out but he just couldn't. We tried the soak in the water technique, he would also poke into the swollen area in order to release the blood. It was a real bad experience, when he would try to cut the nail it was just not possible because it was so in-bedded in my toe. Also with out anesthetics it was hard for me to even take the pain. I finally decided to go to the doctor and he said it was pretty bad, but he said it would be easy for him to fix it. He put a anesthetic shot on the side of my toe which kind of hurt a bit. After a few seconds my toe was numb and he just dug into my toe and just cleaned out the whole thing. He got ride of all the dead blood, and also took out the nail which was a bit hard because it was so jammed in there. It was a pretty fast procedure and it didn't hurt at all I'm glad I went to the doctor that day. It's one of those rare occasion you feel happy that you made the choice to go to the doctor. If you have been having it for a year now, I think it's time to head to the doctor.
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