Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Help with Toenail Fungus?

I am 17 and I have had toenail fungus for some time now. I have it on both of my big toes, and on each, it is only on half of it. The half where the fungus is appears thicker and lifts the nail up. It looks very bad. I was wondering if there was any hope for this problem. Will the thickness ever disappear is I take the proper treatments?

I Really need help!!! -thank you

Also, if I were to go to a foot doctor, how would they treat it, and about how much would it cost?Help with Toenail Fungus?
They'd give you a prescription for Lamisil and if your health insurance won't help - it is expensive - $130 @ month for at least 3 monthsHelp with Toenail Fungus?
if u go to a drug store there should be some kinda medicine to put on it !
There is an oral medication you take by prescription, the name escapes me at the moment, but it works, is expensive and has some serious possible side effects.Nail fungus is difficult to treat and takes time to heal. Home remedies and OTC ointments seldom work. In some states licensed podiatrists can prescribe medicines pertaining to the feet.
I bought a gel at Walmart. Can't remember the name but smells like vinegar and when I asked my mom about a remedy she told me to soak my feet into vinegar. It is taking long but the problem is not as visible. Good luck.

Note: Since I got that problem I take my own tools when I go to get a pedicure, which is not to often anymore.

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